Booking steps
1. Go to our FAQ section of the website with answers to a wide range of questions. 2. To confirm your child's place simply click on the appropriate link below and complete the online details, please note the account holders name is required in name sections and the process requires your bank details. 3. If you have more than one child in the programme, please repeat the process for each child. 4. To secure a junior coaching place, the direct debit must be set up. Please e-mail Chris McGill at chris@ontheballcoaching,com stating Name / Club / Squad time / Any relevant medical details. 5. GoCardless will send you an email with confirmation. We would like to encourage players to play more, as many of the clubs we work with are within close driving distance and you are welcome to mix and match squads from different clubs. The pricing table below shows how the monthly costs have been calculated. For example the Bronze package of £23/month is calculated as follows: • Direct Debit: (40wks x £6/hr)) = £240 per year + £3/comps per month = £276. We then divided the total by 12 months to give a monthly direct debit amount. |
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